Legal notice


Legal Notice for outfithaven

1. Company Information:

  • Business Name: Ventures Dynamics
  • Legal Structure: Ltd
  • Registered Office Address: 196 High Road, Wood Green, London, United Kingdom.
  • VAT Number: 15791465

2. Contact Information:

3. Website Hosting:

  • Hosting Provider: Shopify
  • Address: 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor, Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4, Canada

4. Intellectual Property:

All content on this site, including but not limited to graphics, images, text, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs, and icons, and their formatting are the exclusive property of Angelenita with the exception of trademarks, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.

5. Limitations of Liability:

Angelenita cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect errors that may occur on the site, regardless of the cause. The information contained on Angelenita is as accurate as possible, and the site undergoes periodic updates.